Interesting rumination on Alice Waters role in the food world. Considering that the season for farmer's markets just kicked off in D.C. I have to say I see more of the positives than the negatives in what she's done for eating in America. Every movement needs someone at the forefront agitating for an uncompromising vision of what is possible. It's up to the rest of us to work what we can into the realities of our own lives. The rigid element in any movement can be grating, but overall I do think she's done some pretty amazing things to bring local eating into the mainstream consciousness. Others contributed, complicated and diversified how that movement developed, but when all is said and done someone had to do it first. It's worth the read.
Sadly, being a "foodie in training", I know not enough about Alice Waters, blasphemy I know, I do however notice how much attention local and seasonal ingredients get in Bon Appetit every month, and now attribute this to her. Thanks for making my food taste fresher, I can taste this difference and not because I've been brainwashed by the "Foodie Jesus". second here though is that picture, which has a copyright notice, did you clear that liza?