DC’s 80 degree spring weather has arrived, and with it the
temptation to throw over all productive activities in favor of drowsy, lazy
afternoons outside.
Today I arrived at a compromise: utilizing the shade
provided by the tree behind my apartment I have discovered a way to both work
near enough to my internet connection to actually do work and work outside
while still seeing my computer screen. Big win.
What I did not count on was the temptation this beautiful
day would provide to anyone with a penchant for cooking outdoors over fire. The
smells of herds of DC grills all heating up steak is driving me mad.
Even the last of my latest cheese splurge wasn’t enough to
satiate the grill induced hunger.
What is it about meals cooked over fires? They are almost
always perfection. And the first few of the season are downright inspirational.
I guess I shouldn’t complain, my house was the house of
grill temptation on Easter when MN grilled a butterflied leg of lamb for a tasty
twist on Easter tradition. It was delicious. As was the new brussel sprout
treatment I discovered (hint: it involves bacon and lemon and can be found
I’ll just have to settle for the knowledge that
grilling season has begun and we have two full months of grilling fun before DC
gets too hot to cook in. And since I can see a wood fired Argentinian style
grill and a massive oil drum smoker from my current perch, it shouldn't be too long now.